Art of Appreciation

In our daily life, people tend to need an inspiration in everything they do. A simple thing could be an inspiration. A simple thought and a simple person could give us a reason to press on through the day and  go for a certain thing. There will always be that someone who will remind you to keep going. 

Thing, Reason & Thought. There are times that these three will not go through in one direction, or in the direction that we wanted. It may sometimes or oftentimes oppose one another which may confuse us, and that results into a bad situation. When a person is in a situation that he never wanted , he / she overthink things.  We have to simplify everything and to to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. Every event that might happen to a person is uncontrollable. A controlled situation may comes out with a mess. An unwanted result does not satisfy us, simply because we don’t want it!!! Who would want it right? Dissatisfaction leads to self-pity which provides human a negative thought.

Those negative  thoughts may lead us to a person that is not designed by God. Our Lord plan for each and everyone is prosperous (Jeremiah 29:11-For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future) and we are all designed beautifully by our Savior.(Genesis 1:27 -So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them) "Spiritual beauty".... Our spiritual relationship with God is the most important asset of a woman and a man of beauty. It’s the most precious beauty a person can have.
A great thing may start with a simple thought.  Thought that may give us to have a greater faith, love and hope. Thought that is beautifully and simply made by God. A simple thing becomes great when appreciated. APPRECIATION...this simple word oftentimes is neglected by most people. Every season of our life we just need to simply appreciate whatever situation it is. Appreciate every little thing in this world that this may bring you Faith, Hope, and Love. Appreciation is a way of living life in its simple way. Even trials are meant to be appreciated for they make us even stronger and we learn from it. Not only the good things are meant to be praised. When we appreciate people around us we are able to show care and love for them, that sometime it makes them realize and believe in the goodness of everything. A person who appreciates life develops faith in our Lord. When we have that faith in God we gain hope. Let us appreciate every season of our life because our God never fail to love us that He even let His Son die for us.(John 3:16-For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.) 



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